Reply only to lists:
Quoting Helio Loureiro (2019-06-27 10:50:54)
Post by Helio LoureiroAs much as I love free software, I also need to consider how to make
things more active.
We can have IRC, Matrix, Mastodon, Diaspora, etc. But the last two
Debian meetups I hosted nobody from this mailing list showed up. So
we are talking about an empty audience. And worse: during the events,
nobody was using Debian in their laptops (me included).
If the kind of meetings you host are ones where non-Debian-users attend,
then perhaps it makes better sense to call them something else than
"Debian meetups".
Post by Helio LoureiroAnd everything is definitely mobile nowadays. Telegram isn't an
attempt to hijack this mailing list or any other communication media,
but to increase the possibilities. Even for newcomers.
Mobile is definitely a thing nowadays, but certainly not the only one.
Nice that you mention here that other user channels exist.
Post by Helio LoureiroBTW I use the free software client named "plus" to access Telegram.
Nice. Even nicer if free software with a homepage and usable on
mainline linux - and if not already packaged in Debian then had an RFP
or ITP bureport filed - see
Good luck with that Telegram channel,
- Jonas
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136 Website:
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